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Loving All the World, Inc., is a non-profit organization that engages children, families, and communities through initiatives building
justice, peace, unity, and service.


Although Loving All the World, Inc. is inspired by the principles of the Bahá'í Faith, it is completely independent, and separate from, any external religious or secular administration. You can read more about the Bahá'í Faith and glimpse the inspiration we draw upon here.

In serving our mission, Loving All the World, Inc., provides resources that emphasize the role of children in creating a better world. Through stories and related materials, we seek to inspire children to:

Love all the world – by embracing all the world’s people as a single human family, united in its diversity

Serve humanity – by initiating ongoing acts of service to uplift themselves and others, so that all children thrive and contribute their gifts toward building a united and just world
Work for peace – by building understanding and using words and actions to promote truth, justice, and love

These themes are inspired by the encouragement of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá “to love all the world; to love humanity and try to serve it; to work for peace and universal brotherhood.”

With these encouraging words and the example of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, people all over the world have dedicated themselves to these ideals; some as members of the Bahá’í Faith, others as members of other faiths or no faith.

The stories shared here show ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s love for children, His fearless championship of justice, and His courageous, generous actions from earliest childhood. He demonstrates, in action, how to become the people we want to be and how to give our gifts of spirit to the people
around us.

Tender Branches Press is the division of Loving All the World, Inc., that brings the vision above to life. The Tender Branches creative team features dozens of volunteers—authors, illustrators, researchers, editors, and designers. The authors, artists, readers, and activity developers contributing to this initiative offer their work as a gift. We extend our grateful thanks to each of them and to the children, parents, and teachers who contribute their own stories, photographs, ideas, and suggestions for improvement. It is our honor to be in this process with you as we keep learning together, striving together, and having fun sharing our love for all the world.


Serving Humanity: Stories to Inspire
Original storytelling by:

Kiser Barnes
Littlebrave Beaston
Ann Boyles
Lady Blomfield
Linda Ahdieh Grant
Jean Gould
Louis G. Gregory
Duane L. Herrmann
Barbara K.V. Johnson
Rick Johnson
Anthony A. Lee
Jacqueline Mehrabi
Anne Gordon Perry
Gail Radley
Richard Thomas
Robert (Bob) Watts, with Susan Siwak
and Mary Darling


Serving Humanity: Stories to Inspire

Original works of illustration art by:

Saba Ayman-Nolley
Jaci Ayorinde
Andrea Torrey Balsara
Nancy Barnes
Dean Bowlby
Helen Butler
Elham Chandler
Nicole Corea
Elizabeth (Betts) Doxtator, with
Susan Sheper and Mary Darling
Era Frost
Cam Herth
Damita Hicks
Leona Hosack
Martine Hubbard
Aruna Neela Bahadoorsingh Khan
Keith Kresge
Marilyn Lindsley
Laurie Mason
Luthando Mazibuko
Juan Pablo Ruiz Morales
Majid Nolley
Omid Nolley
Cindy Pacileo
Nina Scott
Nur Shojai
Jianna Sobhani
René V. Steiner
Barbara Trauger
Gillespie Alvarado Yuille


Loving All the World: Stories to Inspire
Original storytelling by:
Saba Ayman-Nolley
Kiser Barnes
Ann Boyles
Jean Gould
Duane L. Herrmann
Rick Johnson
Suzan Nadimi
Anthony A. Lee
Jacqueline Mehrabi
Omid Nolley
Gail Radley
Labib Shahid
Loving All the World: Stories to Inspire
Original works of illustration art by:
Jaci Ayorinde
Nancy Barnes
Dean Bowlby
Cam Herth
Damita Hicks
Leona Hosack
Martine Hubbard
Keith Kresge
Marilyn Lindsley
Laurie Mason
Luthando Mazibuko
Majid Nolley
Omid Nolley
Cindy Pacileo
Carla Porterfield
Carmel Portillo
Nina Scott
Shohreh Shakib
Barbara Trauger
Xiaojie Zheng

Our creative team also includes researchers, editors, and designers, including: Saba Ayman-Nolley, Ruhiyyih Yuille, Susan Engle, Katherine Johnson, Barbara Johnson and many more. Many members of the Loving All the World creative team also previously contributed to the well-
known Central Figures storybook series.


In addition to the two current storybooks below, we anticipate a third storybook will be published sometime in 2026!​​​​​​​​​​​




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